Dear Moms,
I'd like to welcome you all to our website!
I am a certified music educator who loves children. “Būsimųjų Mamų ir Kūdikių Muzikos Mokyklikė“ (the Music School for Expecting Mothers and Babies) began its work in 2004. It was inspired by Jovita Gracholski, the director of "Kursai būsimoms mamoms ir tėčiams" (Workshops for Expecting Mothers and Fathers).
During the past 5 years, I have had the opportunity to get to know many expecting mothers along with their babies, who are now 4 or 5 years old. All of these children have been very different, but they are all united by their friendliness, communicativeness, curiosity, clear reasoning, and independence. They all have a strong musical ability, and they all began walking and talking early.
Our school offers two options:
1. Music activities for expecting mothers
2. Activities for children 3 months to 4 years old
During the music activities, I strive to create an appropriate work-play atmosphere. In my teaching, I utilize education tools and methods from different countries. I also create my own songs, games, and exercises for children. I keep up with the latest developments in my field and attend several seminars in Lithuania and beyond each year. Like all music education practitioners, my goal is to foster healthy, creative, balanced, intellectual, and talented individuals.
Every mother wants her child to be the best, the smartest, the healthiest, and the most beautiful child. Early music education will help you turn your dreams into reality. Persistent efforts, aided by a music educator, will yield results beyond your expectations! I encourage moms to actively participate in our lessons, because your help is essential to enabling your child to "befriend" music. If you love, respect, and care for your little one and if you work to strengthen your spiritual connection with him or her, you will be able to take care of your child in the best possible way. Find the time and patience to listen to and address your child's needs, as well as their desires to communicate and to get to know the world around them.
I warmly invite all expecting mothers and babies with moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and nannies to participate in our music education activities!
The Music School for Expecting Mothers
Dear Expecting Mothers,
Even before a baby is born, he or she is very sensitive to the mother's mood and to her environment, which includes sounds and music. By the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, the baby's hearing has developed enough to allow her or him to hear everything that is happening in the outside world: babies can recognize their parents' voices and distinguish different tones and intonations. The baby's behaviors and reactions become more and more complex. The vibrations of the mother's voice, her lullabies, "glue" together the neurons in the child's brain. Certain sounds ensure the growth and development of the neurons. A child is then born with a more developed brain which is able to absorb and contain vast quantities of information.
Recent studies by psychologists show that a baby's early exposure to music can have a positive influence on areas other than musical talent. Pre-natal experiences with music stimulate creativity and the ability to quickly and correctly solve problems.
Certain classical music aids the formation of bone structure, vibrations created by sounds massage internal organs and reach the deepest tissues and cells thereby quickening blood flow and strengthening the muscle system. Before birth, a baby gets to know the world through sound - every sound will be carried into the child's later life. Singing and listening to music is very useful for both the pregnant mother and her baby - it increases a sense of well being, regulates breathing, normalizes blood pressure, reduces stress and exhaustion, birth is easier and faster, babies are born more relaxed and begin to walk and talk sooner than others, and are likely to have a high IQ and have a better memory.
I invite you to get involved with our activities! They take place at convenient times, once or twice each week. At each lesson you will receive useful information, articles and books. You will learn about what music to listen to and when and how to do it, practice singing lullabies to and playing games with your child before her birth. You will feel the baby's positive reaction! You will play music for them using simple interments, enriching their world and preparing them for a successful birth.
Early childhood is a particularly important time in one's life. All experiences had before the age of three become a part of the fully formed personality. Young children are always read to learn and can pick up just about anything! Something that a child under 3 years old can internalize with little effort may be much more difficult or impossible later.
Before the age of 3 is an ideal time for learning!
Doctors and educators around the world have concluded that nurturing children with the help of music has very special properties. The only sense that is fully developed in an infant is his or her hearing. We therefore choose to influence the child's growth and development through sound.
Yet music activities aid not only in the development of a child's musical ability. These activities, along with music therapy, positively effect an infant's health and accelerate overall development.
The children's music lessons at our school are separated by age:
3-8 months, 9-12 months, 12-24 months, and 2-4 years
Activities take place once or twice each week. Along with music and movement, we also play, exercise, and do children's yoga.
Observing your kids during class time, you will notice their improving ability to echo melodies, rhythms, and movements. You will understand that music sounds help develop your child's intellect and thinking, speech, creativity, and even mathematical ability. You will also discover a wonderful community of moms! And I would like to emphasize that musical nurturing is a long and continuous process.
Rules + Expectations
Activities take place all year, one to two times a week during pre-determined times based on children's ages. There is no starting fee and you will not need to purchase any text books. It is very important that you come to the classes ready to participate.
School Rules:
1. Arrive on time. If you do happen to arrive late, join the group quietly and quickly.
2. Bring comfortable, non-slippery shoes for mom and child.
3. Turn off your cell phone during class time.
4. Do not eat or drink during class. If it cannot be avoided - please make sure that it is discreet. No child should be walking around with a bottle or cookie.
5. Do not bring toys to the class.
6. Moms sing to provide an example for the children.
7. Do not talk during the class. Listen carefully to the instructor and do not speak loudly to your child.
8. When working in a group, you are responsible for the successful learning of all participating kids. Let's be tolerant of one another.
9. Pay your tuition on time each month.
10. In order to not distract kids during the class, there is no photography or filming except for during pre-determined class times.
11. If two or more of your kids attend the classes, you may inquire about a discount.
When and Where?
For your convenience, our music classes take place at a number of different locations in Klaipeda.
TUESDAY, Kepėjų g. 10, (Vaikų pramogų centras "Pašėlęs Mikis")
11:00 - kids 6 months - 2 years.
WEDNESDAY, Taikos pr. 95, (vaikų klubas "Draugystė"),
10:00 - kids 3 -18 months.
FRIDAY, Dragūnų g. 1 - 93 (Eko Mokyklele)
10:30 - kids 6 months - 2 years (you must register in advance by phone or e-mail: 8 698 88692 or [email protected])
Choose the time and place that works best for you! If you have any questions, please call or write.
We recommend that new students, or ones we haven't seen in a long time, call the instructor before class.

Livija Gavelienė
Tel. +370 698 88692 El. p.: [email protected]